Courses > SunoikisisDC


Sunoikisis Digital Classics was created in 2015 as an international consortium developed by the Alexander von Humboldt Chair of Digital Humanities at the University of Leipzig in collaboration with the Harvard Center for Hellenic Studies, later joined by the Institute of Classical Studies in London.

Since the beginning, the aim of the programme has been to teach digital humanities and technologies for the study and learning of ancient languages and addresses especially students of Computer Science and Humanities from different backgrounds.

In recent years, the consortium has expanded to now include instructors and students from over 90 institutions, thanks to the open technologies it uses to stream lectures and share material. The courses are in fact online and open to students from all over the world. Students from the University of Leipzig and other partner institutions can be assessed and receive credit, but every teacher can integrate the courses into their own syllabus. Following the principles of Open Access and Open Education, SunoikisisDC brings together scholars with different interests and expertise to teach online courses in weekly sessions and offers a class outline with course descriptions, bibliography, exercises, other resources and a YouTube link to the class.

SunokisisDC has a GitHub page that collects syllabi and course materials from 2015 up to the most recent ones, a SunoikisisDC YouTube channel that provides streaming and contains video recordings of the courses, a SunoikisisDC Zotero Group Library, which collects the bibliographic and digital resources from all the SunoikisisDC sessions (and Guidelines for future editors of the SunoikisisDC Zotero Group Library), and a Google Spreadsheet, which collects all the sessions of the programme since its beginning and allows the search for specific sessions, topics and convenors.

Courses are scheduled for 3 terms per year: speakers and convenors usually cover several different topics (text encoding, 3D modelling, imaging and reconstruction, treebanks and linguistic annotation…) with presentation of projects based on these technologies, but in recent years the Spring Term has always been dedicated to digital approaches to Cultural Heritage. Each course is structured in a programme and accompanied by a list of introductory readings. The page for each session includes information about the event and convenors, the YouTube link and a link to the slides, together with the class outline, readings, other useful resources and exercises. Sessions last 90 minutes and the teachers’ presentations are followed by questions from the convenors and the audience, who can interact via a real-time chat.


SunoikisisDC main website: https://sunoikisisdc.github.io/

SunoikisisDC Zotero Group Library: https://www.zotero.org/groups/4303839/sunoikisisdc

Guidelines for future editors of the SunoikisisDC Zotero Group Library: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JxndqMu7vZ3uMV27FljP8Lq3bffvaWAO72bEKlp35As/edit#heading=h.pvj7mzjykpfw

Google Spreadsheet of all the SunoikisisDC Sessions: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VAYHnhMEFfR0npgrYDjm6_AmLzmqDZFPhEHzJcAGQB8/edit

SunoikisisDC YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@sunoikisisdc2110


Berti, Monica. Sunoikisis DC - An International Consortium of Digital Classics Programmes, Digital Classicist London seminar (July 10, 2015). Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpBR0bb8gxk