Best Practices > Leiden+


Leiden+ is a tag-lite markup language that adapts the Leiden Conventions to the digital environment of Papyri.info. It serves as a publishing system specifically designed for the critical edition of papyri.

Leiden+ was developed to circumvent the complexity of the TEI/EpiDoc XML scheme, facilitating the encoding of papyri for non-specialists and a broad participation to the encoding effort from the papyrological community. By utilizing the XSugar routine, the system has the capability to seamlessly convert Leiden+ into XML and vice versa, enabling automated and bi-directional transformation between the two markup formats. The final presentation of texts occurs through the Papyrological Navigator interface, where the XML source code is transformed into HTML pages using XSLT style sheets.


The Leiden+ Documentation is a comprehensive resource that provides detailed guidelines and instructions for using the Leiden+ markup language in papyrus encoding on Papyri.info. It covers a wide range of topics related to formatting, document structure, document preservation, and the encoding of editorial conventions and apparatus. Each instruction is accompanied by one or more examples, demonstrating how to apply the guidelines in practice. The Leiden+ Documentation is complemented by a quick guide available at the top of the page (Guide to SoSOL).